Recipient of the
State Affiliate Achievement Award - - INNOVATIVE Educational Program
Clinical Update Is Approaching~Register Now! |
Registration Is Now Open Early registrations accepted online by March 11, 2025. Registration with no additional late fee is open until April 10, 2025. Late Registration will be accepted with an additional fee of $50.00 from April 11 through April 18, 2025 No registrations will be accepted after April 19, 2025. Click Here for full brochure details. Digital editions have been emailed! |
Who We Are As a regional affiliate of the American Geriatrics Society, the organization provides leadership for professionals, policy makers and the public in the area served. The organization aids in the efforts of the American Geriatrics Society in developing, implementing and advocating programs in patient care, research, professional education, public policy and public information for the Pennsylvania and region. The strategic goals of the PAGS-WD are to: 1. Promote geriatric education for all geriatric healthcare professionals. 2. Provide an active forum and opportunity for networking and engagement with other professionals who share an interest in improving care for the older adults 3. Advocate for programs and public policy, which will improve the 4. Encourage students and residents to pursue a career in geriatrics. Our Leadership |
As a member, you are an integral part of the Society and aid in our efforts and mission: to EDUCATE, COMMUNICATE, and ENGAGE healthcare professionals (representing all disciplines) in the provision of quality healthcare for all older persons. Strengthen our voice and become a member today. |
2025 Spring Newsletter: Coming Soon 2024 Fall Newsletter:
2024 Annual Report Please take a moment to review the 2024 Annual Report, which provides an overview of the events and accomplishments of the society. |